Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today Marks an Amazing Day!!!

So I have been working on my weight since September of 2011. I vowed to myself that the 268 Lbs I weighed then would be a number I never wanted to see again. It has been a slow process. I have been trying to eat more at home, I have cut back on soda a ton, I for a while there incorporated a lot more water into my diet, but then I seemed to of sidetracked myself, I am now on a soda, kool-aid rotation with some flavored water mixed in every now and then. Eating at home has been such a blessing and I have managed to portion my food so well that it has been working for me. I used to use the program weight watchers and I have found that I was basically paying 18 dollars a month for them to basically tell me what was the right portion. Since I am good at eyeballing things I have been able to just do it on my own and saving that 18 dollars a month to spend towards something else.

I have also cut back on pastas, potatoes, and bread. Then again when you live in a state that is full of potatoes you tend to get tired of them anyway lol. Anyway, I used to eat some kind of pasta, potato, or bread with every meal, I also used to feel that you had to have Three different things on your plate. I used to have a meat, a carbohydrate, and a veggie. Now instead of having both carb, and Veg. I just have one or the other. Veggies to me aren't very feeling, and I found through weight watchers veggies and fruits were basically a plus item now so you could have more of the portion and it wouldn't hurt you. I like the new methods I have been using. I have incorporated basically veggies at almost every meal. On nights that it is carbs it tends to be either Wednesday night's hotdogs with mac and cheese, which i know isn't remotely healthy at all but tends to be a nice treat, or Chicken Alfredo, or Spaghetti. Very rarely do i make anything with potatoes, and I don't really keep bread in the house unless its one of those times where I have decided to make my Nonie's delicious rolls.

At anyrate that was a  long off tangent rant, my point that I am trying to make is I've made it to my goal of losing 25lbs so far. My first goal was to make it back to the weight I had weighed 4 years ago.. technically I made that goal 3 months early. I now weigh 243. I have lost inches off my waist, and I went from a size 24 jean to a size 20.  The 20's have even been pretty loose so it will be no surprise to me if I start to fit into my size 18 pants I have held in the closet for a while. My new goal is to lose another 20lbs. Im hoping I can accomplish this by the end of April.

I think if I really strict myself on the soda part and start drinking more water, as well as not eat out after valentines day this will be absolutely achievable. Im also going to be hitting the Wii Zumba a lot more. Im setting my self up for success and making my goal time frame further, but will be so ecstatic if I achieve this by my birthday.

Well that is really all that is on my mind today. I feel that this blog is very theraputic for getting my thought out and not having them in my head and my brain just constantly fumbling over it.. ah..

Well ciao for now. Happy Tuesday :)

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