Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wow I suck!

I haven't posted on here in quite sometime, how lame is that. Well things have been crazy, I keep getting sick from being around little kids at work lol. I finally started school! I'm currently reading two books. One is The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey and the other is Eat Pray Love. I love the Total Money Makeover it is a life savor!!!! Literally!! If you haven't gotten it or read it, do yourself, your family, and your spouse a favor and get the book! It has helped me open my eyes and make changes so drastically it is one of the best books I've actually taken the time to read. As for Eat Pray Love I am just getting started with that so I have no comments yet. I also have a collection of more books to read so that I can better myself. Plus I find it to be a fun recreation.

As for everything else in my life.. Well I joined the gym. Its paid off Ive lost 4 lbs and hopefully more this week. Ive been keeping up with friends, and like I said I started school. I am on this road to the new me and I am so loving it! By the way I have no idea how you post a pic to the blog just in case I ever want to lol... Maybe some one some day can tell me how lol. At any rate sorry to be brief but I have some reading to do. I will try to post something more informational, and fun to read soon!

Have a good day!