Saturday, January 4, 2014

Get Up and Do Something

Today was a great day, I was up and ready for the day, I spent most of my morning cleaning at the church, afterwards I sat down for fifteen minutes and then the hubby and I were up and moving again. Ran errands, paid a bill, went to the store, and then came home. Relaxed for about and hour or so. Hubby had to go back to work so in the 2 hours that he was gone I was up and on my feet. Made a pile of clothes that don't fit for the good will. Organized my dresser and my closet, and cut the hubby's hair. Id say its been a pretty productive day over all.

The best part of today was we went out and not once did I ask to stop and get a burrito or a burger and when we got home I made something we had here in the house. It was great. I also was on my feet a lot today which was even more great. I hope in keeping this up I will lose weight. Not putting a goal or limit on it. Nope this year I am just going to be more conscience and get up and move more.

I really don't have much else to say. I feel like I am ranting. Any way it feels good to actually sit and relax from having a day of movement... This I think is how it should feel everyday.

Well ciao for now. Have a good night all and thank you for taking the time to read my boringness :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year

Well so far this New year has started out well, I am happy with things in my life. There are a few things I wish I had a little more control over... okay well one major thing, but alas its really out of my hands, I think I am patiently impatiently learning this through time. It is rather frustrating but I know in time it will all work out, just not in my time, like right now... like how I want it to with me being the one in control of it.

At any rate so far  since New Years I have made the most of it. The beginning of this year has started off great, I spent the first day with family. I love my family and we had a blast. We went and saw Enders Game and I am so glad we did it was such an awesome movie! My second day was just as good. I was able to spend it with my eldest niece, we went bowling. Something I have not done in quite some time, and if you saw how I walked today you would know that that is true. I am so sore!

Today I went back to work after being sick Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday I thankfully had off because of the holiday and yesterday I had PTO due to other arrangements I had made. The blessing was that my niece happened to come up and so it made my PTO even more worth it, at any rate. Work was pretty low key and the best part of my day was finding out that I had 6 additional days of pto I had no idea the company was giving me. Score.... now what to do with it all!

So for New Years I decided that I wasn't going to make any resolutions. I am feeling good about that decision. I however am excited for the accomplishments I would look forward to having this year.

Accomplishment one: To be either debt free or pretty darn close to it. I work hard for my money and I am so tired of giving it away. Not going to do it anymore. Feeling pretty focused on this right now. Though I will say its not making it very easy on me for trying to plan vacations.... there is so much I want to do!

Accomplishment two: Soda. So far I have done super super good on this. I stopped having soda at the beginning of November I did super well. I decided to splurge on Christmas day, New years eve, New years day and yesterday. I didn't go over board and in all honest kicking the habit has paid off. I am not craving it. I didn't have caffeinated soda on purpose i was afraid that would pull me in and be hard to walk away from for those " special occasion" moments. So far it has worked well I didn't go running for a soda at work today so id say that is progress.

Accomplishment three: Eat out less. I have noticed lately that I just don't feel good when I eat fast food. My stomach has just been definitely sending me the "stop feeding me this junk" signals. Trust me stomach, I think I am taking the hint. I just want to have it on an occasion. Like road trip, or anniversary or birthday, or because your parents call you up and would just like to go out, seems more reasonable and I honestly think I will greatly enjoy those moments more.

Accomplishment four: Get off the couch! Okay so for those that may not know I work a desk job. I get up in the morning, get ready for work, and then I get there and I sit on my butt literally in front of a desk all day. Even on my  2 15's and 1 30 minute break. Um LAME! I have decided that On my 15's I am going to walk. Go outside ( well maybe in the spring/ summer) other times ill be indoors in the break room, but i am going to get moving. That's 30 more minutes then I am doing now of walking. On top of that when I get home I will not sit on the couch no way, this past year was ridiculous. You know when you were a kid and your parents sent you outside... well there was a reason for it. I was literally thinking about this today. So from now on my goal when I get home is to get moving. I can do chores, zumba, take a walk outside ( depending on weather) go walking at a gym or mall or something anything as long as my behind doesn't touch a couch or a chair until dinner is on the table.

Accomplishment five:  Get Organized.  I have a lot of stuff, and technically there is plenty of space, it is just that my stuff doesn't have its own space, it is just kinda out of place. This year is going to be busy on organization, and not being such a pack rat, I mean honestly I don't know why I would need it if its just sitting in a box.. its like my cook books for example I have close to 35 I am sure... and I know for a fact I am not using them all... I think I am going to keep my " go to cook books, and either pack my other ones or ship them out to a good will.... Its time to clean house... or maybe I could sell them... at any rate something needs to be done lol.

Well that's about all I have to write so far. I know in time I will have more accomplishments, but for now I am happy with these. Feeling motivated.... ( well right now I'm feeling tired but on the inside I'm feeling motivated.... I just need some sleep first lol)

Thanks for taking the time to read my oh so boring posts :) ciao for now.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The week before Thanksgiving.

There is a lot to be Thankful  for in my life. I am Thankful for a loving husband, who shows me daily his unconditional love, and support. I am Thankful for all of my family, including my In-Law's. I am truely blessed for all of their love and support, their advice and just to be able to hang out and bond with all of them. I am Thankful for amazing friends, ones that I have been friends with forever, and no matter how far apart we are, it's like we never went away. I am thankful for the new friends I have made and am making, they are such an important part of my life, I love to hang out with them, learn new things, talk and of course craft together! I am Thankful for my job, my co-workers are completely amazing women, I have made friends there and we feel like one big family. Mind you were are all women so we have our moments lol. My boss is just an amazing women and such a role model in all she does, I can go to her even when I need advice outside of work and she is always just right there. I wouldn't say it is luck being where I am now, it is definitely many many blessing to be here and I am just grateful for all of it. I am so grateful for my ward, I am still getting to know the many people in our ward, but they are all so friendly and nice. I am a bit shy so it is hard, I know that in time though it is going to feel even more like home there. Above all I am so very grateful for my Heavenly Father. I have come such a long long way from where I was and where I am going. It has definitely not been easy at times but all of it has so been worth it. I would not change anything right now in my life, I can see clearly where I am and where I would like to go. If anyone had asked me that in the last 7 years I don't think I could of ever given them an answer, or any answer I would of given definitely wouldn't of matched up within time. I had a major wake up call, and I made the changes as necessary to be where I am.

Anyway I just wanted to share my Thankfulness.

Nothing much lately been going on. I sprained my ankle this week at work, its sore, I am hoping it starts to feel better soon. My husband and I stood in line (well I sat on an empty sturdy stand) at the Wonder Bread / Hostess Discount store for an hour or so today purchasing the last of the Twinkies we could find. They were Chocolate Creme filled but hey I am not picky... Twinkies are Twinkies, and the last to be sold for a while if not forever. I wanted some Zingers but I didn't dare try to go to another store for those lol.

Did you notice anything new? You should have. I got creative this evening and  changed my blog... It suits me much better!

Well I guess I should go crochet.

Have a blessed night :-)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Eyes Wide Open...

Wow it has been 12 days since my last post. I was really trying to keep on top of this. Lets see, 

Oct. 27th

Family day. We went to Salt Lake and spent time with Jeremy's side of the family both his mothers' and dads' side. It was fun and nice. We realized it gets hard to socialize with everybody. We got home and were bummed that we didn't socialize much with Jeremy's sister. That was a bummer. We miss her lots and love our times when we get to see her and the family! Dinner was very yummy and after. We traveled back home to Idaho.

Oct. 28.

We woke up late for church but at least made it to Sacrament. The rest of the day was pretty much relaxing and enjoying time with one another.

Oct. 29 and 30.

 was back to the grind of work, we missed hanging out with our friends that Monday because the hubby had to work late.

Oct. 31.

 I was sick, totally not fun. I also craved Halloween Cupcakes and so my honey came home with some it cheered me and my taste buds up but definitely made my stomach mad.

Nov. 1.

I woke up and ate a banana (BIG MISTAKE) I will never do that again when I have a stomach bug. My stomach hurt I was curled up in a ball calling my boss to let her know I would need one more day. Danielle later that evening brought over some delicious dinner. I was able to eat it, and keep it down. Her chili is delicious!

 Nov. 2.

Friday I was back to work, tired and slow, but I was there.

Nov 3.

Hubby and I spent some time together, we went and checked out if renewing out costco membership would be worth it. We checked out a house that was for sale its fun to see what is out there (No we are not looking to buy any time soon). We talked about school and looked into briefly where we would like to try to go. Then we relaxed a bit before he went to work.

Nov 4.

Church this morning was good and very enlightening. We went to Danielle's for dinner it was delicious! That was about the fun of our day.

Nov 5.

Called BYU Idaho and got some answers. Had to wait for an adviser to call me back because they were busy with registration... was feeling pretty good about it. Work, and then spent some time with our friends and their children, then came home and study the election stuff until we just couldn't look at it anymore!

Nov 6.

Woke up. Found out BYU Idaho offers the program I want, just not the way I want it. Only considered a minor. I would get a certificate of completion but its not like a technical certificate, at least that is how the advisor made it sound and so it was back to looking into more colleges. I then got ready, and left to make our Vote count. Felt good about it all day. To bad we are still stuck with the same person and know that the next 4 years are just going to be more hell. Yes I said hell, cuz it will be!

Nov 7th

Called College of Southern Idaho, was disappointed, and so I went back to looking into Le Cordon Bleu and there program. They are supposed to be a really good College. They are in Portland,  Oregon though. Called my husband about all the exciting news. Though we were both down pretty much all day because of the election.

Here we are today. There is so much going on in my head. Obama being President sucks butt! I have my reasons for saying this. Both Jeremy and I work for small business companies. My boss yesterday did not hesitate nor stumble over any words, when talking about depending how things go within the next year/s or so we could end up having to shut down. I love my job, I love where I work, and finding jobs here is, well,  really hard to do, especially with no degree. My husband and I have been working on getting debt paid off, we really want to be debt free. With Obama's re-election that goal got more serious.

My husband and I both play WoW (World of Warcraft) Its pretty much our entertainment during the winter months. It however is a luxury expense we are now cutting out. I joined Weight Watcher's. I have done really well on it. Lost 10 lbs and counting. I just cancelled it this morning. We are part of a train club. We just changed out status to inactive. By the end of next month, we will be shutting off our internet.

These are all pretty big changes. We enjoy every single one of these things we currently have, and have been blessed to have. But we want to be debt free more then we want these things. While cutting them have kinda become  a necessity, its actually more of a want. It feels good. We are actually working towards a goal together, as we always are and are serious about it as we always are. I know we will achieve this task. :)

Maybe having Obama re-elected was a good thing, for my husband and I to get better prepared. Whatever the case we are trying to make the best of it.

In other official/unofficial news I have made a decision!!!!

I am going to get my degree in Culinary Arts. I am going to attend Le Cordon Bleu... thats the official news lol. The unofficial news is we intend to move to Portland, Oregon. Don't know when. I can say definitely not before we are debt free. I can't even say that is the plan soon. I can say however that, that is going to be a goal.I am excited and Blessed that I have a husband who fully supports this decision too and is excited for me!

Well that is about it.

Ciao for now. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Winter morning for sure!

So last night I went to bed, but just before doing so my loving husband was like "Honey, its snowing and pretty good, its stuck to the ground" Me: "squeals, then runs to find jacket and shoes so I can go out and get pics of it" Never crossed my mind that it was dark.. but well here the pics are:

So that was my fun exciting adventure last night. Then this morning the bed felt oh so cozy and warm and yeah, me getting up was so not happening. Except I looked at the time and was like, oooohhhh my friends are going to be here,  I gotta get ready and clean! So that is what I jumped up to do but first I had to do one thing, Can anyone guess what it was??

I had to run and check for myself if the snow stayed, so I hurried to put on a jacket and shoes and ran out the door to find that it .... well you can just see for yourself,

That white car by the way in the first picture, was given to us graciously by my parents its an old car and this is the first time its ever, ever seen snow... :) I sent a picture to my dad just to make him happy that his "Betsy" Got her first Snow experience lol...

So after that I got ready and hung out with two amazing women and we chatted and learned more about eachother and laughed and it was uber fun. After they left I was still doing the happy dance, but then wasted some time on facebook and eventually calmed down after like an hour or so.

Then I cleaned up house and started dinner, for my wonderful, hard working husband. Now I am blogging to all of you about it... although I am about to get off of here and finish cooking dinner.. Just thought I would share a little bit of my day.

Happy Friday all.. hope to chat again, maybe on Sunday.

Oh and thanks for taking your time to read  :) 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, One more day and I am off... well hopefully....

Man this has most definitely been a week for the books let me tell you. I have never gotten on my knees and prayed as hard as I did in this last week in over a year I would have to say. My days have definitely turned around since doing so though, let me tell you.

Its funny Sunday in Gospel Principles our lesson was on praying to our Heavenly Father... I really think that was like the prequal to my week let me tell you.. I so needed that lesson before this last week, and I am so blessed for it as well.

Anyways, I thought I would post on my blog this morning because I am so proud of my hard work, and the fact that I was smart enough to photo the progress. I have been struggling with weight loss for a very very long time. I had a pretty rough child hood and I think I just turned to food as a comfort and man it most definitely got me in trouble. I never ever want to have to go through this again. So back to my smartness.. this week I have been like sitting on the fence on whether or not I am really progressing or just imagining that I have been.. today I decided I was going to take a picture, and then I remembered I had taken a couple other pictures of when I started hitting the gym. So I decided to post them on facebook, and look at them side by side to really see it for myself. Now I am blogging about it because I am just ecstatic and want to get my thought out.. This weight loss is such hard work, Its funny how it takes more work to loose the unhealthy fat, then it did to put it on... Amazing the things you learn.

So here I was March 1, 2012 4 days before I joined Gold's Gym.

This is me in July of 2012 Just after my now husband proposed :) 

And this is me as of today October 26,2012 

What Progress! Makes me want to run and jump and do a lot more!!!!


Anyways, I am going to continue with updates like this... at the end I will just post One big blog with all of the before and after pics... it's going to be awesome... Maybe I will scrapbook it just so that I can remember that I never ever want to look the way I looked on March 1st of 2012 again.... But this isnt even all of it... I really wish I had a picture of how I looked in September of 2011 Because at that time I weighed 268 lbs... *shutters to think it* I will never be that weight again I promise that!

That is all this post was really for this morning... Maybe ill find something to share with later... Happy Thursday all!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Finding something, anything to be positive about today...

and so far failing miserably. Sure I can be positive that I cleaned my kitchen and reorganized it, that my living room looks like a living room and not well.. "lived in" but there was a reason most of these things were accomplished this morning, and no not really because they needed to, because yes they needed but any way so far that reason is non existent. I know, I know I am being rather vague. I have a reason for that really I do. It is just so FRUSTRATING!!!!.

Oh and to top it off I printed off coupons this morning, WHY? I have no clue... not like I am going to get to use them... I guess because secretly it made me feel good inside to just do it... :-/. So yeah if any one wants them they're sitting here on my desk! Oh and did I mention I used up the last, and I mean every last drop of Ink I had on these stupid coupons.. LAME RIGHT?!?!

I'm basically just ranting on and on ... I really have nothing to say this morning.. Just feels good to talk to myself.. lol I guess its not really talking to myself when others can read it..

I desperately just need to stay home today and cuddle up with a good book under a blanket with some hot cocoa or warm honey lemon water or something just so I can feel some kind of I don't know ... normalcy i guess... Lol but then again what in the world is normal.

I wish my husband were home with me.. I usually never ever feel this way but the last like day or so have just been to exhausting for words.

Oh well... guess ill watch netflix, before I go to work. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday... Maybe I'll post later... Doubt it...something would have to happen to do that.. cuz really this is just how I feel today...